Created to Inform & Inspire.

Here's to the community of next generation musicians...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Welcome to Sideman Pro! This blog is being started in hopes of inspiring and informing all of you aspiring musicians out there on how to succeed as a touring and recording professional.
With over fifteen years as a professional guitarist I can't tell you how many times I've been asked,
"How do you get into doing what you do?"

There are no online job postings or career fairs that inform you to who is looking for a "new guitarist with great singing ability" out there. Or you will never see a Craigslist posting that states "Super Star Faith Hill looking for Drummer! Please call."

But don't fret! (no pun intended) Having played and performed with many hugely successful artists across the genre spectrum throughout the years and experienced firsthand the audition process, I'm quite convinced there are tried and true steps to being "discovered", landing and KEEPING the gig.

Sideman Pro is THE forum to discuss and equip the next generation of musicians for the real world of the touring and recording professional.

Who's in?